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shadow and stray is a 2024 third year animated film that follows stray, an abandoned bull terrier puppy, and her friendship with her shadow that unexpectedly comes to life. with the unrelenting support of her new friend to get adopted, stray learns that a friendship need to last forever to still be important.

I worked as writer, storyboard artist, director, co producer, compositor, and co-animation and art director.

duration: 5.02 minutes

genre: general, family/heart-warming

format: 2d animated short film (toon boom harmony)

shadow and stray is a short 2d animation following the friendship between an abandoned bull terrier puppy and her shadow that comes to life. shadow and stray focuses on transitory friendships, and the idea that some relationships don't last forever but can still be appreciated and important at that stage of life.

stray is a timid and gentle dog, dumped at the pound and terrified of the world around her. one night, in the middle of a storm, her shadow comes to life - an optimistic, playful creature whose purpose is to be stray's friend. despite constant adoption rejections, shadow stays confident and by stray's side. they learn and grow together, keeping each other company as other dogs come and go. despite shadow's optimism - and much to its dismay - stray begins giving up on ever getting adopted.

with one final act of resilience from shadow, who uses the shadow of a young girl to pull her back to stray's kennel, stray is adopted - but must say goodbye to her shadowy friend before leaving the pound for good. shadow is no longer needed as a companion now that stray has found her forever home, and the pair part ways one final time.

visdev + character



credits and poster

Shadow & Stray Poster 1
Shadow & Stray Poster 2

the crew

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